Funding and Finances
Each term you will receive a letter detailing the fees due. Fees are calculated on a termly basis and we are happy to accept payment termly, half termly, monthly or weekly. It is a great help to us if you can pay these fees promptly however, if you do have any concerns regarding payment of your fees please talk to a member of staff.
Please note that as your child's place is now kept until they start school, it does have to be paid for, even if they are absent due to illness or holiday. We try to keep the fees as low as we can but as we are a non-profit making group we cannot keep a place open if fees are not paid. If you find that your child must leave us before they start school please give us a terms notice so that we have the opportunity to offer their place to another family. If we do not receive a terms notice and we are unable to fill the place you will be asked to pay the fees due as we are unable to recover these shortfalls in our income. Once your child reaches the term after their 3rd birthday their place will be funded by West Sussex County Council.
Information about Childcare Costs and Funding can be found on West Sussex County Council Website. In addition to the funding for 3 and 4 year olds, there is also funding available for some 2 year olds. To find out more information, including translated documents, please follow this link to the WSCC Early Years Funded Entitlement (EYFE) webpage. If you are eligible for two year funding you will be required to apply for the funding online.
In 2017 the Government announced two new initiatives (Tax Free Childcare and 30 hours funding) to help parents and carers with the cost of childcare. To find out more information and check your eligibility please follow this link to the Governments Childcare Choices website.
Nurseries, schools, child minders and other childcare providers are able to claim extra funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium. This is to support and improve the quality of provision within Early Years Settings for 3 and 4 year olds. More information about the Early Years Pupil Premium can be found here. If you think your child is eligible or would like more information please talk to a member of staff.