About Rascals
Aims of the Playgroup
To provide a caring and secure atmosphere which promotes and embraces the principles of Christianity
and fosters the belief that every child is a unique individual worthy of respect and love.
To provide quality care for pre-school children within a well structured, educational environment which safeguards play as essential for the growth and development of the children.
Playgroup and the Methodist Church
Rascals Pre-school Playgroup was set up in 1989 by members of the Methodist Church. The Church
retains overall responsibility for the playgroup, offering support but at the same time leaving the staff free to organise and run the group according to guidelines issued by West Sussex County Council and Ofsted. We welcome families of all religious and ethnic groups but as part of a Christian community, we only celebrate Christian festivals.
A leaflet is available giving full details of Church activities and should you wish to speak to the Minister please contact the Church Office on 776900.
Claigmar Road | Rustington | West Sussex | BN16 2NL
The Rustington Methodist Church is a registered Charity
Charity Number: 1134885
Session Times
We are currently open:
Monday and Tuesday 9.30am - 3.30pm
Thursday and Friday 9.30am - 12.30pm
We are closed on a Wednesday but you are welcome to join the Mod Mums group which is held on the premises.
Settling In
New children will take varying amounts of time to settle when they first arrive at Rascals. In our experience, children who cry rarely do so for more than a few minutes and we will always tell you if your child remains unhappy. Some children may need their adult to stay with them for a little while and we will always work with you to come to an arrangement that you feel comfortable with. If you do stay with your child or if you offer to help at Rascals, you will be asked to store your mobile phone away from the children and the use of any camera other than those used by staff is prohibited. This is in accordance with our safeguarding policy.
Structure of the morning
All children will have the opportunity to play both inside and outside during the morning. Our large physical equipment includes items such as climbing frames, bikes, cars, balance beams, scooters, rockers, trampolines and stepping stones. We will always have an area for role play, craft and quiet reading. Group sessions are an enjoyable part of the morning such as using the parachute, listening to a story or singing and dancing and all children will be encouraged to join in with these sessions towards the end of the morning. Each member of staff will take a role in planning activities for the children based around the children's interests and regular planning meetings take place to ensure all staff have the opportunity to discuss any relevant planning issues or ideas.
Recording children's progress
Throughout your child's time at Rascals their progress and achievements will be observed and recorded on a regular basis by your key person in a Learning Journal. You can ask to see your child's Journal at any time and are welcome to take it home to show your family but would ask that you inform your key person before doing so to prevent any records becoming lost.
We welcome contributions from home towards the Learning Journal such as pictures and photos and will be asking you during each term to work with us and provide us with an update as to how you think your child is progressing and to update any information we hold regarding your child's interests. This ensures that we offer your child stimulating and interesting activities based around their interests whilst they are at Rascals. We will also carry out a review of all children's development between the ages of 2 and 3 years that you can share with your health visitor.
Reading Sessions
Your child will start weekly one to one reading sessions with their key person during their last year with us at Rascals. Your child will be given a book each week to share with you at home. Please find the time to sit and look at the book with your child and talk about the pictures and what is going on in the story. We don't expect the children to be reading the words but it is really helpful if they can learn how to hold a book carefully, look at the pictures and describe what is happening and most importantly enjoy sharing their book with you. We include a prompt sheet with each chatter pack which provides ideas for sharing the text with your child.
We also provide a parental comment sheet in each child's folder. Your child’s key person will write a short comment, activity suggestion, question, which you might like to use as a base for discussion with your child. It is always useful for us to know how the children have enjoyed the books you have shared so please feel free to add a comment in the parent / carer box. But there is no pressure to write an essay – ‘Read with Mummy / Daddy’ is just as good!
Welcome Pack
For a full copy of our welcome details please download a copy of our Welcome Pack